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Showing posts with label Nigerian Article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigerian Article. Show all posts

Saturday 1 October 2016

CALL TO ACTION - Oluwasegun Gabriel

If you want change
Don't just talk change
Make change
Change we all want!
If you don't start now, who will??

"The hope for this country is dash"
We know!! Stop saying all those trash
Just fill in the dash
And do your own part
If you don't do your part, who will??

"Corruption has gotten better of us
No moral, to mention few, the Force!
They collect money by force"
We know!!!!! stop wailing!!
Your little corner you touch???

It seems you want employment
Create employment
Stop waiting for there empowerment
If every one keep waiting,
Is it not our future we staking??

Our Religion separate us
Things that ought to binds us
Religion argument turned chaos
It seems we have not learnt
That the true religion lays in our hearts.

They seems to have a plan
To sustain us for a long life span
What is yours?, cos there seems like scam
Use ur head
When will u stop been played??

It seems we are all simpleton
Relaxing with a cup of lipton
Pointing finger, Hey that's treason!!
I believe you are wise
When will you go there and roll the dice.

This is just a wake up call
To lift our country about to fall
To make it whole without a flaw
Peace, unity, progress our solemn call
And make Her envy to all.

Oluwasegun Gabriel


 Authentic and undisputed image you are; A giant giraffe graded with grace; A tycoon to teach, train and tutor new trainee; My pride you are; our pride you are.                                                       Songs of freedom with mixed feelings of disappointments fills our falling facets; with regarding prowess, prudence, and psychiatric problems; with words of wonder waxing in wailing; For failing promises of foul and fiend so called leaders.                                                      With your egocentric elegy, epiclogue, epigram, econium of tear-full traces; Our parents paint in pain and paid with no patronage; Millions of days you are, yet to yields no york; Masses melt in suffering: Leaders, loaded with luggage.                                                                              In your Ninety Ninety New, you failed to change; To you I present my verse; A godly Kobo is better than a wicked Naira; NIGERIA!!! You are fifty-six and you are yet UNWISE.                                                                              We are clods, chumps, coot, cretin, which crave for change only to receive cuddling cane as long and the hillside cane; Since I was a baby, from my mother's bazooms is milk; old enough, no nation-feed; We dine in agony and distress, could I say you're free?                                                                To thy masters, you pay no homage; To the patriots, you pay no rememberance of their good deeds; It's is not from my heart I say this, but to satisfy the cooling stigma; Though You are set free but you are not Freely set- MR.NIGERIA.                                A sorrowful HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.............. FROM THE CRAFTING AGENT OF THE BARD'S PEN---                     I am #Poetmap.