Saturday 1 October 2016


 Authentic and undisputed image you are; A giant giraffe graded with grace; A tycoon to teach, train and tutor new trainee; My pride you are; our pride you are.                                                       Songs of freedom with mixed feelings of disappointments fills our falling facets; with regarding prowess, prudence, and psychiatric problems; with words of wonder waxing in wailing; For failing promises of foul and fiend so called leaders.                                                      With your egocentric elegy, epiclogue, epigram, econium of tear-full traces; Our parents paint in pain and paid with no patronage; Millions of days you are, yet to yields no york; Masses melt in suffering: Leaders, loaded with luggage.                                                                              In your Ninety Ninety New, you failed to change; To you I present my verse; A godly Kobo is better than a wicked Naira; NIGERIA!!! You are fifty-six and you are yet UNWISE.                                                                              We are clods, chumps, coot, cretin, which crave for change only to receive cuddling cane as long and the hillside cane; Since I was a baby, from my mother's bazooms is milk; old enough, no nation-feed; We dine in agony and distress, could I say you're free?                                                                To thy masters, you pay no homage; To the patriots, you pay no rememberance of their good deeds; It's is not from my heart I say this, but to satisfy the cooling stigma; Though You are set free but you are not Freely set- MR.NIGERIA.                                A sorrowful HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.............. FROM THE CRAFTING AGENT OF THE BARD'S PEN---                     I am #Poetmap.

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