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Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 October 2016


"Colour is a tool for beautification; not a platform for discrimination"_ David O. Olusanya.

By the interplay of cause and effect, I am proud to be an African; not by immigration, but by naturalization. I am a seed of the Black race by birth; and humorously, my color literary, does not betray that fact. I am an untainted Negro-gene and I hold my citizenship-confidence in very high esteem of my "rocking race". To crown my gorgeous Black-right garment, I am a Nigerian- "the giant of Africa", in all its positive denotative meanings. So you can call me " a Black race activist" and by holding any preliminary prompter of such at bay, I will gladly embrace such a name tag.
*** I'm a fruit of my ancestral planting, I'm the chorus of the sparrows' chanting. I'm the beauty of this bold, black race- A continent of colors, a garden of grace.***
Over the years, I have developed a peculiar passion for the black race. And the welfare, and well being of the Black person globally, have been a lump on my heart, and therefore defiled my youthful cravings for convenience and general pleasures. It has however, crawled upon my consciousness, through committed observations of the Black race, that the Black person globally seem to crowd the space of poverty- economically, socially, physically, mentally and the pile sings for the sky. The Black race and the Black grace have been trampled upon and made to floor the pathway to stardom for unworthy champions. This self-discovered fact has however, prompted and instigated questions of self-criticism and contended with my claim of the African Love:
*** Is Africa a reference Domi- Nation or a "learn from this" Damnation? Reverse is the case in the 21st century to what we used to be in the early centuries of creation; taking Egypt and Ethiopia as a reference point for the first African rulership. Historical facts have explicitly uncovered that the pioneers of the earliest civilization, were " Black head people"; that is, Africans. So, without mixing words, Africa was the frontier of our contemporary civilization. Time and space will not permit me to go into full chronological historic details.
Another question that bother me bereft bliss, is the question of whether Africans will thrive up as a self-civilized people, or go into extinction as a barbaric-civilized pupil? Like I earlier said, I don't mind to be tagged as "a Black race activist". It is an honor to be rumored as such. But that will not defect or decamp me from my party of the African posterity.
*** Why is the richest continent on planet earth, inhabited by the poorest citizenry? This question is the kernel of my discovered purpose, the passion of my potency, the drive of my dream, the reason for my abandoned repose, the interlock of my sought after immortality.
However, " there cannot be a change until we know those conformations that are determining our value systems, thoughts and the way we view ourselves"_ Mathew Ashimolowo.
This is a call for all, a duty to be desired, together to build a one African dream. And I present myself and my team as a tool for reformation; to restore the lost African Glory.
Glory to Africa!!