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Showing posts with label computers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computers. Show all posts

Monday 3 October 2016

Addicted To Your Phone, This Might Be A Solution.

Are you a mobile phone addict, and you want a solution to this issue? This device locks your phone in a box immediately you place it inside and you will not have access to it until your set duration has elapsed. hence, leaving you no other choice than to wait out the time you set. If you set 30 mins, it well means you have no access to your phone for the next 30 minutes. The only disadvantage i see here is, you cant answer a call even if its important so you might wanna think twice before locking out your gadgets.The body is made of titanium and that means its not breakable. I think this is the best way for
parents to lock a child's phone for sometime , maybe until he or she is through with reading, his assignments and probably doing his or her assigned house chores.