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Showing posts with label Employer. Show all posts

Friday 7 October 2016

I HAVE DREAMS TOO-Yahaya Habeeb Kayode Jaypee_D_Poet

 You ask me to dance to your song
You ask me to speak the language of your tongue
You ask me to work for you yet you won’t pay me a dime
You ask me to pick limes for you from the tree of thorns
You instruct me to write you song of rhymes with the ink of my blood
Yet no gain but pain for the times I’ve spent in your world

You insist that I desist from pursuing my goals
All you want is quick increase in your wealth at the cost of many souls
Your wish is to make me a slave forever while you be the king
And when you become bored for hours I’ll have to dance and sing
And bring you things like grapes, berries or tangerine
I ask you why?
Why do want me to work for you till I die?
All for your sake, I’ve swam across thousand lakes
I’ve made my life unbearable to put comfort on your table
You want me do ten thousand things together when you know I’m exhaustedly feeble
I know you are the core
I know I might be poor
Just a little appreciation you won’t show
I want you to Know that I have dreams too
So let my dreams grow
You want me to be your chair
So that you can sit upon me as I cry in despair
You want me to be your useful slave
So that every day of my life I would be in dismay
And while you get clothed in your customized exotic dress
Old clean rags beautify me in distress
As you dine and wine
Looking healthy and fine
My eyeballs become swollen just because your juice is my tears
Your cinema, my fears
Making me sad everyday and night has become one of your daily affairs
Just a little appreciation you won’t show
I want you to Know that I have dreams too
So let my dreams grow
While I work every seconds without taking a break
Just to bake a cake for your sake
You never appreciate it
Yet my salary keeps depreciating
During the cold night, I couldn’t close my eyes
Working for you, hurting my precious life
While you keep snoring loudly on your water bed
I remember what you said
“You must finish those countless works”
Those words keep ringing in my dizzy head
You have always been despicable
Just a little mistake you would smash my head on the table
Why do you deprive me of my freedom?
Why do you chain me like a slave in your viscous kingdom?
I also wish to reach the peak of legendary
And not to slave around all day long till I land in the cemetery
Just a little appreciation you won’t show
I just want you to know that I have dreams too
So let my dreams grow

©2016 YHK-JP