Friday 30 September 2016


I had wanted to let it pass
like a dead storm's carcass.
But my conscience is an independent dagger,
it stabs fiercely and makes me stagger.

To be candid with reality,
the most perfect country is a cemetery-
where you need no roads to travel,
talk less of the need to mine gravel.

This is a divine national cake,
an unleavened special for my country's sake.
A sincere gift from your chosen baker
who still has no replacement for his lost Rebecca.

Today I write to celebrate,
rather than blame, criticise or debate.
I write to say, without regret
that my country is beautiful- a precious pet.

I admire the green of her pasture
and the delicate style of her curvature.
I love her sky and her rich land,
that teases my eyes like a lady's waistband.

Today I pledge to Nigeria my country
to be true and faithful in duty.
To make her a great global star
and uphold my loyalty without a scar.

So help me God

David O. Olusanya
For Nigeria @56

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